Any project is cooler when it involves Grammy and Emmy Award-winning performers – and lots of videos and lasers. That’s exactly the kind of project that SAY Plastics was part of when they were hired to develop thermoformed parts for a world-famous music star’s concert tour.
Known around the globe as a top designer and builder of stages and sets for the entertainment industry, SAY Plastics’ client has supplied sets for the top ten grossing shows of all time, and they happen to be headquartered within 50 miles of SAY Plastics. Much of their success depends on their partnerships with innovative, flexible and dependable suppliers.
SAY Plastics was approached by the client about a stage project which required large octagonal panels. The panels made up the set’s back wall and ceiling, creating a projection surface for video content that was the focal point of the stage show. During the early development stage, the client presented some preliminary concepts and drawings. That’s when the re-engineering team at SAY Plastics became engaged. To achieve the desired look and effect, engineering and designing for thermoforming and best case materials were recommended and sampled by SAY Plastics.
A few weeks later, an RFQ for tooling and the panels was issued, and SAY Plastics was approved to proceed with the project. Work progressed over the next several weeks as prototypes were developed and design changes were addressed.
The use of the SAYTooling alternative system gave SAY Plastics the flexibility to make prototyping and design element changes fast – ensuring the quick turnarounds that were needed to keep the project moving forward.
Through careful coordination and collaboration with designers and the end customer, part designs were finalized and approved. Within six weeks of the production start, SAY Plastics shipped the project parts and met their deadline. The final deliverable
included 12 molds, 12 trim fixtures and more than 180 additional parts.
The client was extremely impressed with the design options and the expedited development opportunity provided to them by SAY Plastics and their thermoforming systems. Their re-engineering experience, years of craft skills in thermoforming, depth of knowledge relating to thermoformed plastics applications, and their SAYTooling system made the difference in meeting the project’s complex design variables and critical timeline. As a result of the project’s success, new stage set projects for SAY Plastics are continuing. Attention to detail, early involvement, design collaboration, and flexible systems with lower volume plastic component processing are the keys to their success.